Reach Our 19,000 + Instagram Followers
Instagram is a Social Media medium we have continued to grow massively on.
Much like Facebook the demographic is vast but largely targets the younger generations. Instagram was once solely focused on imagery. It has progressed over the years and now has the capacity for Reels (videos) and also Stories which can be great for quick deals or notices from your store that don’t require a specific page posting.
The Square over the past year have also used this medium to grow our page with the inclusion of Influencers, who have accompanied many of our events. The world of Social Media Influencers is very much a trend of the past few years. They help with pushing brands and also aid with getting information out to a wider audience.
We continue to work in this fast paced environment and learn.
Reach Our 87,000 + Tik Tok Likers
Tik Tok unlike the rest of our channels is relatively new to not just us but the social world. However new it may be it has taken the world by storm and we are delighted to be right at the forefront of it.
This is a medium unlike both Facebook and Instagram as the demographic is relatively young. This is an ideal medium for a tenant wishing to reach a specific age of customers.
Although content is video based there is so much you can achieve with this when it comes to showcasing your brand.
If you wish to work with this area of Social Media but unsure how to approach it, speak to our team – Lunar Media who are on hand to discuss all possible future posts on this medium – It is a lot simpler than it looks to get that video just right!
Reach Our 126,000+ Facebook Fans
With an excess of 126,000+ followers, our Facebook Page is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers. It is available to tenants to promote their store, promotions and offers under a fair usage policy. Our Facebook Page is managed by Lunar Media in concurrence with Centre Management. It is the staple of our social media channels with a demographic covering all age ranges.
Facebook is considered the more mature Social Media page and could be the ideal fit for you when planning to reach potential or returning customers. We also pride ourselves in our campaigns which have continued to grow in popularity, from specific events like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day. Not forgetting to reach out if you have a campaign of your own.
The reach achieved through this medium at times can be viral.
The team at Lunar Media are happy to help with any technical issues you may have when preparing your content for Facebook.
1200px x 1200px
Artwork Must Be Supplied In Correct Size & Format Along With Post Copy.
Keep The Copy Short & To The Point.
Include Website & Video Links Where Applicable.
The team at Lunar Media are happy to help with any technical issues you may have when preparing your content for Facebook.
Facebook requests are free of charge for tenants contributing to the Centre’s Commercial Fund.
All Facebook Post requests should be sent to
Your Advert Image Should Have Maximum 20% Text.
Post Engaging Content.
Increase Engagement By Asking Questions.
Regularly Check Your Post On Our Page & Reply To Customers’ Comments Through Your Own Page.
Use High Impact Images, Photos, Videos & Colours.
Shorten Your Links Using Bitly.
Boost Your Post To Reach A Higher Audience (Charge Applies).